Assalamualaikum … Hello. My name is Nabila Puspa Pratiwi from the 3rd Semester Tour & Travel Business Study Program. This time I will share my experience during the Nature Field Trip in Toraja Regency.
All UPW class 3B students conducted field trips with the theme Nature in Toraja Regency during 3D2N. As usual, this activity is an activity that is routinely carried out every 2 times per semester with different themes. We conducted these activities on October 21-23, 2019 for three days and two nights.

Day 1 

On October 21, 2019 at 06.30 we gathered at the Orens Building to make a roll call, distribute ID cards, store items in luggage and provide some information before leaving.
We were accompanied by 3 advisors namely Sir Matius Tinna Sarira, Sir Yahya and Mam Mila, and 2 Tour Leaders namely Ms. Mifta and Mr. Yusuf and accompanied by PT. MITRA SELARAS.

Then we took a banner photo together, after that we boarded each bus according to the rotation seats that had been distributed. 

As usual, the first tour guide went up to explain the material. During the trip, we enjoyed the scenery on the left and right while singing together. To get to Toraja Regency it takes about 6-7 hours drive. So, the tour guide explained about 2 hours per person because for the first day that went up explaining the material was only 4 people.

Then we stopped at Kupa Beach Restaurant for lunch and prayer at Barru Regency.

After that we returned to continue the journey, until Enrekang Regency we stopped for a coffee break precisely at Mount Nona Bambapuang. 

Then we continue the journey again. We arrived at the border of Tana Toraja and Enrekang Regencies at 17.00.

Then we headed to Indra Rantepao Hotel in North Toraja Regency. Arriving at the hotel, we headed to our respective rooms and prepared to go to Ayam Penyet Ria for dinner about 15 minutes drive from the Indra hotel. After dinner, we did an evaluation of the activities of the first day and at 20:30 we returned to the hotel to rest.

Day 2

Breakfast at the hotel, then we prepare to go to Timenbayo about 1 hour drive from the hotel.

We arrived at Timenbayo and did soft trekking to Mentiro Tiku Restaurant. We enjoyed the beautiful view from the restaurant. 

Then we boarded the bus to continue trekking to the Lempo starting point. we passed a vast expanse of dry rice fields, the community had not yet begun to plow the fields because usually a good time to plant rice was in August.

We stopped to see the tedong bonga that was in the cage of the resident's house, we continued the journey and stopped to see the making of Tongkonan houses, there we saw how to make and carve from the Toraja traditional house.

Then we continued on to Baby Grave. From Lempo we headed to Bori, where we trekked uphill and arrived at Erong Lombok Parinding. There is a traditional Toraja grave arranged in a rock or a big cave.

 Then we continue our journey to Todi, where Silk Weaving is made. 

Then we returned to the hotel and prepared to go to Aras Cafe for dinner, which is this cafe is one of the best cafe in Toraja and it takes about 15 minutes drive from the Indra hotel. There we had fun and sang together. Then we returned to the hotel to rest.

Day 3

We had breakfast and prepared to check out from the hotel. This is our last day in Toraja. We continued our journey and stopped at the Toraja Coffee Making "KAA Kopi Toraja". There we got an explanation of toraja coffee and tasted the taste of toraja coffee itself. 

We continue the trip and stopped at the Lakipadada statue at the Makale roundabout, Tana Toraja. This statue has a history that is so interesting to know, where Lakipadada is one of the heroes who contributed to its own region.

After that, we continued our journey and stopped at Resting House of Erotic Mountain in Bambapuang for coffee breaks and breaks. Then we continue the journey to Terang Empang Restaurant in Parepare for lunch. Then, we visited one of the fishing villages in Barru District.

 After that we continued the journey and at night we arrived at Suka-Suka Restaurant for dinner together. After that we continue the journey to Makassar, end of tour program. 

This trip make many experience for me, because in this trip we can find a lot of new knowledge about history and nature in Toraja in particular.


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 Marine Field Trip Report in Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach

 Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Introduce myself, my name is Nabila Puspa Pratiwi but you can call me Nabila. I am from Tour & Travel Business Study Program 3rd Semester. This time I will post my experience in conducting field trips with the theme of Marine Field Trip on Dutungan Island, Barru Regency. Happy reading my first post.
On Friday and Saturday October 4 05 October 2019, students of UPW 3B majored on a marine-themed field trip, precisely on the island of dutungan in the new district of Barru. Field trip activities themselves are included in the learning that is carried out every semester and all UPW students are required to participate.

Day 1

On Friday October 4, 2019, we gathered in front of the Orens building at 06.00 for the absence and distribution of ID cards. After that we were invited to get on the bus, as usual, who took the first order for the guiding to start the guiding. To reach dutungan island, it takes about 2-3 hours and we use 2 buses. We were accompanied by a travel agent of PT. Mitra Selaras, advisors namely Mam Atri and Mam Etha, did not forget we were accompanied by tour leaders of Didit and Sardika. As usual, we take turns guiding and showing our best guiding. Then we arrived at dutungan island at 10.26, then we went to Tanjung Indah pier to wait for a boat that would take us to dutungan island. We were divided into two groups because the boat was not enough to accommodate many people. The trip to dutungan island is about 10 minutes by boat. There we changed clothes and had lunch while the men prepared to hold Friday prayers. Then we were taught about the tools of diving and snorkeling by diving instructors on Dutungan Island. After that, we took turns going into the sea to dive and snorkel using tools such as life jackets, floats, vins, masks, oxygen cylinders etc.
 We dive and snorkel from noon to evening, under the sea it looks very beautiful, there are various kinds of fish that have different colors and coral reefs. We were accompanied by an instructor. It was my first experience diving and snorkeling and very enjoyable. 

We returned to the dock in the late afternoon and continued our journey to Parepare to the Delima Sari hotel. We arrived at the Delima Sari Hotel at 18:00. We picked up our baggage and then checked in, we went to our rooms to prepare for dinner at the Penyet Ria Chicken Restaurant not far from the Hotel. At 19:00 we walked to the Penyet Ria Chicken Restorat for dinner together.
After dinner, we returned to the hotel to prepare presentation materials for each group. We made a presentation about K3 Simulation and Handling of Marine Tour. After making the presentation we continued with the entertainment offerings by each group. Then at 23:00 we returned to the room to rest. 

Day 2 

The one in charge as the morning call woke us up at 4:30, after that we prepared to do the morning exercise at 6:00. We gathered in front of the hotel and started walking towards the Habibie & Ainun True Love Monument in Parepare City. Do not forget we capture the photo in front of the monument. Then we returned to the hotel and breakfast. 

After breakfast, we returned to our room to get ready and check out of the hotel. At 08.30 we left the Delima Sari Hotel and headed for Paputo Beach. After arriving there, we made observations by seeing what was available in Paputo Beach. 

 We had fun there, dancing together and enjoying being together. After that, we headed to Teras Empang Restaurant in Parepare City for lunch and midday prayers. 

 Then we returned to the bus and continued the journey back to Makassar City. Throughout  the trip we rested and sang together.  We arrived at the Tourism Polytechnic Campus in the afternoon.

Thank you and I hope you like this post :)

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